Sep 20, 2013

Where Should My Dog Sit in My Car?

dog in car

Sure he wants to sit here, but it’s actually not good for him.

Here at Palmen Motors, we sell some very pet-friendly vehicles. And for many drivers, there’s nothing like heading down the open roads with their best friend next to them. But if that best friend is a dog, there are some things to keep in mind to make sure that he or she is safe in your vehicle. For many, it’s a simple answer to the question “Where should my dog sit in my car?

We’ve all seen a dog with its head hanging out a vehicle’s window, catching the wind in its face. Or even a dog that is riding in the bed of a truck. While the dog may seem to be enjoying both of these situations, they actually aren’t the safest spots for a dog to be in a car. Obviously, the bed of a truck can be very dangerous as the dog will likely get injured or worse if the vehicle stops abruptly. But many people don’t know that letting a dog stick its head out the window is pretty unsafe as well.

dog in truck

Can we all agree that this isn’t safe for a dog?

When a dog has its head out the window, it can easily be hit by debris or even fall out of the vehicle. Prolonged exposure to the wind can also irritate the dog’s mucous membranes or blow dirt and grit into its eyes. It’s okay to give the dog a quick sniff of the outside air or to have its head out briefly, but a prolonged period of time can damage the dog’s health and be risk for injury.

What is the Safest Spot for a Dog?

So, where should my dog sit in my car? Well, the back seat is actually the safest spot. A dog in the front seat can be distracting and it can also be dangerous for the dog in the event of a collision. Whereas the back seat keeps the dog safest in the event of an accident and keeps the distractions at bay. It may be tough to deny him of his favorite seat, but it’s worth not putting him in harm’s way.