Feb 20, 2015

spring cleaning for your car

We are all sick of the cold and blustery Wisconsin winters and the toll they take on our trusty vehicles. The snow and ice and salt from the roads can really turn your car into a rolling crust-wagon. There’s no denying that a spring cleaning for your car will have your car and you feeling much more prepared for the may flowers and sunny summer ahead.

Doesn’t it feel like winter has been dragging on forever? We’re not quite through it yet, but there is always the hope of a warmer and sunnier future in the spring and summer months. Here in Wisconsin, we know more than anyone that our vehicles have a rough time getting through the freezing cold and we appreciate them for the days that they power through the struggle. So, the best thing you can do to keep your car running through many more winters is to take the time to clean it up each spring.

First, you have to wash the car. From top to bottom, your vehicle takes a beating in the winter months. Cleaning the undercarriage and all the outer surfaces is important to keep the salt and sand from causing corrosion and wearing on the paint on your car. It is also suggested that you give it a coat of wax to ensure that things stay cleaner during the rainy spring and summer.

Then, change things out and give your car a fresh start. Make sure all the liquids are topped off, as winter can deplete those more quickly (especially windshield wiper fluid!). Changing the wiper blades and the oil will help to make sure that you start the summer off on a good foot. Some people suggest taking your car in for a full tune-up and getting tires rotated as well! It really depends on the amount and type of driving that you do during the winter.

Finally, check to make sure your tires and filled up and your tread looks good. Slippery rainy weather can make bald tires really dangerous.

If you want to get your car prepared for the spring that is surely coming, give us a call at Palmen Motors. We would love to take a look at your car and get it running at its best for an affordable price. Looking to trade up to a newer car for the summer months? Check out our full online inventory!