May 18, 2015

what’s the difference between regular and premium fuel?

There are some vehicles, believe it or not, that require the premium fuel. While these are usually the more powerful luxury vehicles, it is important to know. Do you find yourself wondering, what’s the difference between regular and premium fuel? We are here to answer that today! Read on to find out what makes it so much more expensive! 

Your traditional modern vehicle has a very efficient engine in it. Newer vehicles roll off of dealership lots each year with more technology and modern features than the previous year. Only some luxury cars and old vehicles require premium fuel, but what is the difference?

We’ll start out by making sure to underline the fact that there are myths surrounding the use of premium fuel. There are some that believe that premium fuel is cleaner or more pure. This simply is not true. There is also the myth that it increases the performance of the vehicle. While this is also mostly false, the performance does increase a small amount. It is such a small difference in performance, however, that it is deemed not worthy of the price difference.

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So, why do some cars require premium? The answer is in it’s ability to combust. Older engines and high end engines have a higher compression ratio, and thus need fuel that ignites less easily. Cheaper fuel ignites more quickly and can leave an older engine with a knock. What’s an engine knock? That is when the engine is burning the fuel more quickly than it’s parts are able to handle. A knocking engine is usually audible and can cause damage if left unchecked.

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If your owners’ manual says that your engine requires premium fuel, it is probably best to follow it’s instruction. An engine knock could mean expensive repairs down the road. However, a vehicle without the requirement will not be negatively affected by the more expensive fuel. The price difference makes the cheaper fuel more appealing, and it is most likely a fine choice for vehicles that do not require premium.

If you are unsure of what your vehicle requires, simply give us a call at Palmen Motors in Kenosha. Our friendly and experienced automotive specialists are happy to answer any questions!