Jul 5, 2018

Safety tips for driving through construction

Those of us from Wisconsin know that the state has two seasons: Winter and Construction. It seems like as soon as the snow melts (and sometimes even before the snow melts), those familiar orange cones are lining many roads and highways throughout the state. Navigate through those zones safely this year by keeping these safety tips in mind!

Read More: Tow your camper safely this summer!

construction workers working on a road

Tips to drive through a construction zone safely

  • Slow Down. This seems like an obvious thing to do, but you’d be surprised at the number of people that don’t slow down to follow construction zone speed limit signs! Whether or not there are workers present throughout a construction zone, the posted speed limit (typically 55 mph on the highway) is the law.
  • Stay Alert. There are a number of increased hazards and risks in construction zones (hence the need for a slower speed limit), so staying alert and keeping your eyes on the road throughout the zone is important for your safety and the safety of workers and other drivers on the road.
  • Be Prepared to Stop. Try not to follow too closely in a construction zone, because you never know when traffic will stop. Give yourself plenty of room to brake when needed and pay attention to the vehicles in front of you.
  • Follow the Orange Cones and Signs. Traffic can often be diverted around typical lane markings throughout construction zones, so make sure you are following the orange cones to stay in the correct lanes and watching out for signs that indicate lane mergers, lane closures and more.

Following these tips will help you safely navigate your vehicle through the many construction zones you will likely run into on your travels throughout the state. If you’d like to get your vehicle serviced before you hit the road for your next trip, you can schedule a service appointment online or come to Palmen Motors!