Apr 24, 2015

Couple that Owns 77 Different Dodge Vipers

Do you ever dream about owning a Dodge Viper? We know that they are really great looking sports cars. Who wouldn’t want one? How about 77? We found this great story about a couple that owns 77 different Dodge Vipers! They shared pictures of their favorites and we’ll show you.

The Dodge Viper is a well-recognized piece of amazing sport car machinery. The sleek curves and sassy design makes for an aerodynamic and speed-filled experience. The 2015 Dodge Viper houses an 8.4-liter V10 engine that puts out an overwhelming 645 horsepower that is sure to thrill the socks off the average driver.

Some fun facts about the Dodge Viper:

  1. The very first Vipers only had a V8 engine as the V10 was too heavy at the time.

  2. Early Vipers could do 0-60 in 4.6 seconds, but the newer models can do it in a mere 3.5 seconds!

We have always expected great things out of the Dodge Viper, and so these high performance rankings are no real surprise. However, owning 77 of these intense vehicles would be quite the conversation starter! Check out the pictures at this link!

2015 Silver Dodge Viper Racing Stripes

Are you interested in test driving a Viper for yourself? Starting your own collection? Give us a call. We’ll see what we can do to make that happen!

Want to learn more about other great vehicles we have on the lot? Check out our large inventory of new vehicles. We are sure that there is something here to meet your needs and preferences. Happy Driving! Luckily most of us don’t need 77 vehicles!

2015 Dodge Viper Red Front